Childbirth and Habitus: a Sociocultural Study in Women in the State of Morelos. [Parto y Habitus: un Estudio Sociocultural en Mujeres en el Estado de Morelos]
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How to Cite

Atayde Manríquez, K., & González Robledo, L. M. (2019). Childbirth and Habitus: a Sociocultural Study in Women in the State of Morelos. [Parto y Habitus: un Estudio Sociocultural en Mujeres en el Estado de Morelos]. Forhum Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1), 78–86.


Although childbirth consists of the same physiological process, it is experienced in different ways according to the time and culture in which it is presented to each woman. The research explores the preferences of women for the type of delivery, which leads them to choose a certain type, the factors that influence their decision and whether or not they choose. The research presented here is of a qualitative nature, of a sociological nature, through observation and in-depth interviews. Based on the theoretical scaffolding offered by Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus, constituted by an analysis of capitals: social, cultural, physical, economic and symbolic, which act as the theoretical axes that go through the process of interviewing women. Finally, the results of the research are shown, observing the influence in each woman of the different types of capital referred, and the conformation of a habitus of the women who can choose the type of delivery, associated with ten reference lines, is concluded. in which the women converged in the aforementioned capitals.
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