Towards a Philosophy of Education with Emmanuel Levinas [Hacia una Filosofía de la Educación con Emmanuel Levinas]
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philosophy of education

How to Cite

Rodríguez Martín, N. (2019). Towards a Philosophy of Education with Emmanuel Levinas [Hacia una Filosofía de la Educación con Emmanuel Levinas]. Forhum Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1), 42–52.


The purpose of this article is to develop elements for a philosophy of education based on Emmanuel Levinas’ thinking and his experience as director of the École Normale Israélite Orientale (ENIO). To that aim, some of his reports about this organisation are examined and the parallelisms between them and his philosophical and Jewish writings are emphasised. In this way, it is shown how his dedication to education imbues Totality and Infinity and arguments are introduced about how the concepts used in this book are easier to understand if they are related with his pedagogical experience. Finally, with this rereading mediated by his biography, ideas which normally are not highlighted in the Levinas’ reception become evident, like the significance of criticism, the inexhaustibility of teaching and the appreciation of the teacher. Therewith, it’s explicitly stated that Levinas’ ethical proposal can become fruitful when thinking about the phenomenon of education and that his reflections can be a point of departure for developing a philosophy of education consistent with his thinking.
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