Socioformative Taxonomy: A referent for Didactics and Evaluation. [Taxonomía Socioformativa: Un Referente para la Didáctica y la Evaluación]
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How to Cite

Sánchez Contreras , M. L. (2019). Socioformative Taxonomy: A referent for Didactics and Evaluation. [Taxonomía Socioformativa: Un Referente para la Didáctica y la Evaluación]. Forhum Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1), 100–115.


The issue of taxonomies in education has been poorly addressed, not all teachers know about them, not all of them understand them, only some teachers apply them and for almost all teachers they are difficult to be appropriated. The purpose of this article is to show the origin of several taxonomies to improve their learning and their application, their designs and levels of mastery, as well as their usefulness and didactic purpose. Their postulated verbs are analyzed, in contrast to the taxonomy of socioformation to determine their contributions to the educational and social field. The main conclusion is that the Socioformative taxonomy is more relevant than the other taxonomies to guide the training processes, since it focuses on the challenges of development for Latin America, it is simple, flexible and can be applied to both people and teams, organizations and programs. The other taxonomies, on the other hand, only focus on one individual and are not contextualized in Latin America.
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