The The Displacement Phenomenon Evaluated since the Socioformation in three Communities of the Department of Caldas, Colombia. [El Fenómeno del Desplazamiento Evaluado Desde la Socioformación en Tres Comunidades del Departamento de Caldas-Colombia]
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How to Cite

Marín Olaya, M. N., & Cardona Parra, P. (2019). The The Displacement Phenomenon Evaluated since the Socioformation in three Communities of the Department of Caldas, Colombia. [El Fenómeno del Desplazamiento Evaluado Desde la Socioformación en Tres Comunidades del Departamento de Caldas-Colombia]. Forhum Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1), 64–77.


This article arises from an investigation carried out in 2016 with the survivors of natural and socionatural phenomena, relocated in the municipalities of La Dorada, Salamina and Villamaría, department of Caldas (Colombia), from the recognition of territoriality and interpretation of uprooting in a drama of life of the communities affected by the two types of phenomena. It is a qualitative study, narrative hermeneutic, developed from the construction of meaning with a biographical approach, deepening social realities with deductive approach, analyzing emerging categories with testimonial interaction, theoretical referents and the theoretical position of the researchers. The life stories allowed us to characterize the effects of the displacement caused by natural and socionatural phenomena, to resignify socio-formative competences in a construction of resilience and adaptation in the face of adversity. The recognition of competences from the socioformación emerges within the process of resettlement made by families evicted by these phenomena, exposing themselves to new forms of vulnerability that are linked to unexplored territories, opening the reflection of criteria of self-care, protection, restoration of rights and territorial adaptation, showing intricate webs in the construction of a new social fabric.
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