Marx and Freire. Critical and Sustainable Education. [Marx y Freire. Educación Crítica y Sustentable]
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Flores Mondragón, G. J. (2019). Marx and Freire. Critical and Sustainable Education. [Marx y Freire. Educación Crítica y Sustentable]. Ecocience International Journal, 1(1), 12–23.


The present work seeks to comment, in the first place, what is the conception of Marx and Engels on education, contained in all his work and that appears summarized in Capital. For this, we make a conceptual theoretical analysis to see how they are maturing and developing their conception through several of their previous works. In the second place, a commentary is made on Freire’s work, showing the elements that he recovers from the thought of Marx and Engels and that are vertebral aspects of the Brazilian pedagogue’s method. from which you can build a sustainable education for the 21st Century.
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