How to train for sustainable social development?
Ecocience International Journal


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study plan
educational policies
training projects.

How to Cite

Tobón, S. . (2022). How to train for sustainable social development? Curricular structure proposal for basic education. Ecocience International Journal, 4(7), e22475. (Original work published June 16, 2023)


One of the great challenges of humanity is to achieve sustainable social development, in such a way that global warming is mitigated and poverty and violence in society are reduced. However, basic education in Latin America was not designed for this, and has been structured around content, based on models brought from other very different regions. The purpose of this article is to propose some minimum axes to transform Latin American education, based on the pedagogical model of socioformation. In this regard, it is proposed to go beyond competency-based education and, instead, focus on the essential training rights framed in community development and care for the environment, in such a way that they serve as a reference for teachers to build the curriculum in each school according to the challenges of the context. For this, the curricular structure proposed by the state must be as simple as possible; focus only on the essentials, pass the subjects and work with training projects within the framework of a collaborative culture; and move from formative evaluation to socioformative evaluation that articulates the social.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sergio Tobón


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