Design of Observation Guides for Teachers to Analyze their Practice with Socioformative Teaching through Learning Communities
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Learning communities
socioformative teaching
Observation guides
Teaching practice

How to Cite

Luna Conejo, M. B. (2022). Design of Observation Guides for Teachers to Analyze their Practice with Socioformative Teaching through Learning Communities. Ecocience International Journal, 4(6), e22463.


Given the lack of instruments to evaluate socioformative teaching practices, which allow to observe in a group the participation, the collaborative work to solve a problem in a dialogical way and build learning among the members of the community. Objective, to present the process of designing and validating a socioformative teaching practices. Method: an elaborated instrument was used, which was an observation guide and was evaluated by 10 judges, who concluded that it was pertinent with content validity, being applied to 15 basic education teachers. They valued the relevance and writing of the observation guide, which represents a systematized instrument, which through dialogical processes allows one to debate, assure or rethink a situation, and thus, build reflective and critical knowledge. Result: the design of an evaluation instrument. Conclusion: Learning communities is an opportunity to work together to design and sustain learning processes and teaching practices through collaborative.
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