Importance and consequence of evaluations to enter teachers in Peru
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Linares-Vizcarra, M. L. del C. ., & Montero-Zuñiga, E. T. . (2022). Importance and consequence of evaluations to enter teachers in Peru: . Ecocience International Journal, 4(6), e22462 .


In Peru, the massive admission to the university and non-university schools of educational sciences without an adequate filter was completed, causing the massive graduation without the adequate evaluation of the degree, for which the main problem that lay in the relationship between the entry of people not prepared to start the university or non-university professional career in educational sciences, and the graduation without changes, as well as the public policies in Peruvian education that did not place limitations, causing an avalanche of unprepared professionals, to Unlike other countries, taking Finland as a reference, which at the moment is an international example of education at the level of entry into the professional education career (teaching). The objective was to determine the importance of the student entering the School of Education Sciences in university or non-university centers having suitable skills. The importance of the entrance evaluations to teaching and the filter for the entrance of the students to the educational sciences was concluded.
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