Rubric of pedagogical practices to guide education towards sustainable social development and socioecological systems



How to Cite

Quiriz Badillo, T., Tobón, S., Vázquez Antonio, J. M., & Rodríguez-Peralta, L. (2022). Rubric of pedagogical practices to guide education towards sustainable social development and socioecological systems. Forhum Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 4(7), e22475.


The assessment of the pedagogical practices of the teachers is carried out through instruments oriented on Likert-type scales or checklists that assess general and cognitive aspects of the teaching work, omitting the relevant actions that must be implemented with the students so that they are formed as citizens according to the objectives of sustainable social development. Rubrics are very important and required for teachers to self-assess their pedagogical practices and implement improvements accordingly. That is why the purpose of this study was to design a socioformative rubric to self-assess basic pedagogical practices to achieve sustainable social development and determine content validity, construct and reliability. In this regard, an instrumental study was carried out based on the following steps: 1) content validity by 27 expert judges in the area using the same form on Google; 2) analysis of the content validity, relevance and general satisfaction of the instrument, by means of a pilot group composed of 69 people and a sample of 218 teachers using the Aiken’s V; 3) construct validity and reliability by the sample of 218 teachers through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results show that the rubric has content and construct validity, adequate levels of reliability based on the target population..


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