Participation in learning through content creation
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citizenship skills
digital content
living together

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Nava Martínez, J. . (2022). Participation in learning through content creation: a training project based on b-learning . Forhum Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 4(7), e22473.


The students of the Yucatán Monseñor Luis Miguel Cantón Marín Preparatory Educational Institution, located in the urban area, Colonia Centro of the municipality of Mérida, Yucatán, present a problem related to conflict management (bullying). The main objective of this research is to strengthen citizen competencies based on the approach of a pedagogical strategy mediated from the design of digital content that allows its consolidation. The methodology is descriptive and analytical of a qualitative type, adopting a methodology of formative projects that allow the design of didactic planning, allowing work with the creation of digital content in students of upper secondary education using the b-learning modality, in order to identify the interests of the students. The results show that in the diagnostic phase, few students consider that it is wrong to intimidate others; those who perform these acts normalize it, considering that they do it to annoy. The study concludes that it is extremely important to point out that training projects must be relevant to ensure that students develop essential skills in the different subjects of technology, civic education and ethics.
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